Supporting Local Hospitality: Nova Scotia's Short-Term Rental Community.

STRANS is dedicated to promoting the benefits of short-term rentals in Nova Scotia,

supporting local entrepreneurs and advocating for regulations that ensure a fair and thriving industry.

Empower Your Business: Join STRANS and Make a Difference in the STR Industry.

As a member, you gain access to expert advocacy, best practices, and a collective voice influencing policy at all levels.

Together, we can ensure fair, sensible regulations for a thriving and responsible STR industry.

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Drive Positive Change: Sponsor STRANS and Boost Nova Scotia's Economy.

Your sponsorship helps advocate for fair legislation and promotes sustainable growth in the short-term rental industry.

Gain visibility and positive brand association while making a lasting impact on our community and hospitality sector.

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Our mission is to unite and empower short-term rental owners and operators in Nova Scotia through advocacy, education, and community support. We strive to create a thriving, responsible, and sustainable STR industry by promoting fair legislation, sharing best practices, and fostering collaboration among our members. Together, we aim to enhance the local economy and showcase the unique hospitality of our beautiful province.


Our Core Values:


Entrepreneurial Spirit:
STR owners are driven by a passion for growing their businesses, meeting people from around the world, and building for the future. Whether saving for their child’s college fund, planning for retirement, or seeking additional income, our members provide high-value accommodations while enriching their own lives and those of their guests.

Local Economy:
Short-term rentals significantly contribute to the local economy by hiring and working with a variety of local businesses, including gardeners, landscapers, cleaners, and maintenance services. Our members support and stimulate economic growth within their communities, creating jobs and fostering local business relationships.

We foster a strong sense of community among STR hosts and guests, as well as within our individual neighborhoods. Our goal is to operate in harmony with our local communities, ensuring that our members' activities benefit and respect their surroundings.

STRANS encourages members to build exemplary STR operations while maintaining accountability to the public and their communities. By adhering to best practices and continuously updating our standards, we ensure that our industry operates with integrity and earns public trust.

Our association was founded on the principle of giving a voice to STR owners, especially when municipal and provincial governments introduced legislation that threatened our industry in 2023. We actively listen to our members and advocate for their needs, ensuring that their voices are heard and respected in all legislative matters.

As the first point of contact for many visitors, STR owners embody the Maritime Way by making guests feel as welcome as possible. We strive to provide warm, hospitable experiences that showcase the best of Nova Scotia’s charm and friendliness.

Recognizing our privilege to host guests and grow our businesses, we encourage members to give back to the community by donating 1% of their revenue to local charities. This commitment enhances the quality of life for all Nova Scotians and underscores our dedication to social responsibility.

Ensure Fair Representation.

Stand with us to ensure that the voices of short-term rental professionals are heard in policy-making processes. Together, we can achieve fair and just regulations.